Hair Sheep
Katahdin x Dall cross
Management Goals
We are focused on producing a thrifty, easy keeping sheep for meat production. We believe that keeping sheep on your homestead should be simple and inexpensive so we aggressively cull out animals that don’t meet these management goals.
Animal Performance
Grass Fed – Maintains good body condition on pasture only diet.
Parasite Resistance – Thrives without intervention in a managed grazing system.
Breeding – Consistently breeds back every year with good birthing success and good weaning success.
Cold Hardiness – Has an insulated Winter hair coat and is able to live on the land with minimal natural shelter
Warm Weather Performance – Sheds off completely in the Spring with slick oily hide, good natural insect resistance.
Lack of Genetic Disease – No family history of genetic diseases.
Peaceful - No Aggression towards humans or excessive aggression to other animals.
Content – Respects electric fence boundaries and conforms to management system.
Compliant – Has some flight zone and can be pushed or attracted to people and can be led.